31 October 2014

week reflection 31/10/14

This week has been normal we have done:
Maths- working with perimeters of composite shapes and perimeter problems. which went quite well and i understood it after it had been explained a few times.
Science- we attempted to do more work on the class science movie but it didn't get very far so it will need some assistance.
English- we went further into the Jabberwocky and started making my own nonsense words for it.
Options- I am making a portrait of myself and i think it looks pretty good then the next day i played more electric guitar and on Thursday we played throwing games for sport.

Today we did some Haloween treats which were great we made little bones with pretsel sticks and marsh mellows  shoved on the ends dipped in white chocolate, spiders with crispy noodles covered in dark chocolate with red jellybeans as eyes, pumpkins made with melted marsh mellows with orange and green food colouring with ricebubbles all the orange mashed together in a ball with green stems, also we made mouths with chocolate chip biscuits cut in half and dipped with red food colouring and mini marsh mellows.
so lots of sugar and we all got hyper but it was fun.


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