Kia ora koutou!
The weeks are flying by and it is almost the end of term 3! Totara are working hard on a couple of assignments at the moment: The biological effects of climate change and visual art sculptures relating to climate change. This term we have tried to incorporate Social Science, Science and Visual Art learning around a common topic - climate change. The rationale behind this is to give students a chance to explore ideas in more depth and also broaden their understanding. It will be exciting to see the end results of both these projects!
We are embarking on a piece of work relating to cyber citizenship and would ask that parents/caregivers please keep an eye on the class blog for suggested activities and to have discussions at home to reinforce those we are having at school. In the first session last week we looked at the huge variety of tools students use in their online lives, as well as watched a very thought-provoking video about what we post, and shared a strategy called the ‘Triple Filter Test’ which guides people to consider whether something they come across (or share) is Truthful, Good or Useful.
We have asked students to consider where the ‘stuff’ they share online ends up and we will be discussing this on Thursday for our next session. Please check this post on the blog for further information and the movie which we’d like you to view at home with your son or daughter.
We have some changes coming in term 4 not only with student and educator changes but also another timetable change. There will be some reflection time before the end of this term to discuss ideas for an engaging term 4!
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