31 March 2014

Blog templates for Jenny and Helena to explore

Dear Jenny and Helena,

In some of my other work today I found these templates which might interest you for your individual projects - all from this page here.

In order to learn to upload these to your Blogger portfolios, you'll need to read and learn about:

I suggest you do this together!

Helena - photography templates - created in Blogger:

For Jenny:

  • Soundstage - might be just what you are looking for - have a go at uploading and testing it.

30 March 2014

Camp groups

There were 96 children at a camp...
  1. They were put into groups of 3 for a game. How many groups of 3 were there?
  2. They were put into groups of 8 to go for a walk. How many groups of 8 were there?
  3. They were put into groups of 6 to do some jobs. How many groups of 6 were there?
  1. Do your working in your maths journal, ensuring you date it and work neatly. If you need to draw a picture or a diagram to help you.
  2. In your maths journal, make the strategy you used clear to follow - i.e. don't just write the answers - show your working.
  3. Make comments (using anonymous) but please put your first name on the comment. 
  4. Keep each comment separate.

Ref. p59 National Curriculum Maths Level 3


Five basketball cards are put in each pack
  1. How many complete packs can be made from 154 cards?
  2. How many cards will be left over?
  3. Reuben K wants 174 cards. How many packs of 4 must he buy?

  1. Do your working in your maths journal, ensuring you date it and work neatly. If you need to draw a picture or a diagram to help you.
  2. In your maths journal, make the strategy you used clear to follow - i.e. don't just write the answers - show your working.
  3. Make comments (using anonymous) but please put your first name on the comment. 
  4. Keep each comment separate.

Ref. p59 National Curriculum Maths Level 3

Photo albums

Olivia has 50 photos. 
She wants to put 4 on a page of her album. 
She thinks she needs 200 pages.

  1. Explain why she is wrong.
  2. How many pages with 4 photos will Olivia have?
  3. How many photos will be left over?

  1. Do your working in your maths journal, ensuring you date it and work neatly. If you need to draw a picture or a diagram to help you.
  2. In your maths journal, make the strategy you used clear to follow - i.e. don't just write the answers - show your working.
  3. Make comments (using anonymous) but please put your first name on the comment. 
  4. Keep each comment separate.

Ref. p59 National Curriculum Maths Level 3

27 March 2014

The Stairs Problem

How many steps will he run on the super stairs? How long will it take him to run them?

Write down an estimate and share it with your classmates. 
  1. What information would you need to solve this problem?
  2. Write down your thoughts as comments to this blog post.
  3. Extra for Experts: If someone wanted to run 1,000,000 steps, what kind of super staircase would that require?
Put your thoughts as comments to this post - post anonymously but please put your name to your ideas.

20 March 2014

Science - figuring out the scientific process

Below is a video showing Team Totara working as a group to figure out the flow chart of the scientific process - some meanie had mixed it up! This was harder than we expected but we managed to figure it out in the end.

Next steps - practise different aspects of the scientific process. For example: recording and measuring during an experiment.