20 July 2014

Web Challenge - altering the blog slider

Here is a little challenge if you wish to get into a bit of HTML coding - change the slider images on the class blog...
  1. Find an image of something that happened in the class that you think would make an interesting highlight for the blog.
  2. Resize the image - if using Apple Preview follow these instructions... if using windows do a web search to figure it out. The images need to be 960x400 pixels max.
  3. Download a free text editor (e.g. TextWrangler or similar) and then copy the HTML code from inside the blog Template > Edit HTML, making sure you select all then copy it into a new text document to save onto your computer.
  4. Scroll to line 1537 to spot the code you need to change.
  5. Upload the resized images to a new album inside your Google Plus. Navigate to the image you wish to use, then right-click and copy image URL.
  6. Paste the URL in so that it replaces the old URL of one of the slider images. Then ensure you copy the URL for the post the image will link to. 
  7. Don't forget to give it a Title, Description and delete the links that are placeholders.
Google Plus your masterpiece to the class to show them!


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